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By Design

rosson sun

$ 9999

Oliver Peoples proudly presents "By Design," a campaign that commemorates our roots of meticulous Japanese production, infused with the effortless spirit of Los Angeles. This collection encapsulates the perfect blend of form and function, highlighting eyewear that is a testament to both stylistic vision and meticulous craftsmanship.

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The name "By Design" reflects Oliver Peoples deliberate approach to every aspect of the eyewear creation process. It signifies our commitment to intentionality, where every element, from the choice of materials to the final aesthetic, is carefully curated to tell our story.

"By Design" highlights the thoughtful decisions that go into crafting each piece, ensuring that they are not only stylish but also functional and timeless.

rosson sun

$ 9999

Photographed by the acclaimed Luis Alberto Rodriguez, the campaign underscores our bold vision and sharp craft with every element engineered "by design." From the casting choices to the wardrobe and talent poses, each image reflects the intrinsic aesthetics of Oliver Peoples. Our bold vision pushes the boundaries of eyewear design while staying true

to our heritage, creating iconic pieces that are innovative yet timeless. Sharp craft represents our dedication to precision and excellence in every step of the production process, combining traditional techniques with modern technology to produce beautifully crafted, durable, and comfortable eyewear.

Oliver Sun

rosson sun

$ 9999

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Oliver Peoples is intentional by design, classic by design, and inherently original in all aspects. Our understated brilliance and uncomplicated approach shine through in every piece. This campaign highlights the beauty of our process, capturing the timeless allure that is Oliver Peoples.

Through this collection, we are not only revisiting our heritage but also reinforcing our brand's timeless and original identity.

This is Oliver Peoples, “By Design.”

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Photo and Video: Luis Alberto Rodriguez